新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF召唤勇士归来 电脑管家送游戏加速好礼

DNF召唤勇士归来 电脑管家送游戏加速好礼

Call of DNF knight to return the computer housekeeper sent game acceleration ceremony

2015-08-04 16:17:58来源: 多玩游戏

通信世界网消息(CWW) 近日,超人气格斗网游《地下城与勇士》(DNF)携手腾讯电脑管家与广大玩家一起见证最初的城镇,并为玩家送上游戏加速大礼包,活动期间,只要安装并登录电脑管家,即可领取电脑管家特权礼包,新手创建新角色则能领取新手豪华大礼包,同时邀请好友也有礼包赠送,礼包均为DNF的珍...

communications networks in the world news (CWW) recently, Tencent computer housekeeper and the majority of players to join the super popular fighting games "underground city and warrior (DNF) witness the first towns, and to send players to the game accelerated spree, during the event, as long as the install and logon computer manager, you can receive computer housekeeper privilege package, novice to create a new character can receive a novice luxury package, and invite friends also have the gift packs are dnf Jane...

标签: 游戏 DNF