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武林装备新时代 九阴真经七品套装效果一览

Martial arts equipment before the new era Jiuyin Zhenjing FRET suit effect list

2015-08-26 04:31:23来源: 17173

前不久更新维护后,《九阴真经》七品装备的开放引爆整个武林。一时间,七品装备相关的合成途径、材料、璞具等等都成了大侠们茶余饭后讨论的话题。其中这七品的套装效果如何无疑是大侠们最关心的了,因为它能直接影响大侠们的实力!下面各位大侠就随小编一起来看看这七品装备的效果较之以往究竟有何不同。 ...

soon update maintenance, the opening of the "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" FRET equipment detonated the whole martial arts. For a time, the equipment synthesis pathway, relevant materials, Pu out and so on have become the topic of discussion at one's leisure heroes. The seven suit effect is undoubtedly the heroes who are most concerned about, because it can directly affect the strength of heroes! The heroes with Xiaobian have a look of the seven equipment than in the past what is the difference between the effect of. ...