新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锦州:闾山满族剪纸传承教育基地落成


Jinzhou: Lushan Manchu paper-cut inheritance education base completed

2015-06-24 08:50:26来源: 东北新闻网

闾山满族剪纸传承教育基地近日落户北镇市新区小学,此举对传承闾山满族文化和满族剪纸技艺、让世界非物质文化遗产满族艺术之花在校园绽放意义重大。 落成仪式上,锦州市非遗中心为基地捐赠剪刀和红纸,锦州市...

Lushan Manchu paper-cut inheritance education base recently settled in the town of North New District primary, a move of inheritance in Yiwulushan Manchu culture and the Manchu paper-cut art, let the world non material cultural heritage of the Manchu art flower blooming in the school garden is of great significance. The inauguration ceremony, Jinzhou City Intangible Cultural Heritage Center donated scissors and red paper base, Jinzhou city...