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嘴上说不要 身体很诚实!《劲舞团3》开测火爆

Mouth said body not very honest! The audition 3 "open test popular

2015-06-20 01:17:08来源: 17173

6月19日,万众期待的年度燃情音乐互动巨制《劲舞团3》开启首次删档封测!14点整,第一批手持首测激活码的玩家蜂拥涌入,国服服务器瞬时全线飙红。游戏内可谓人头攒动,火爆异常!就这样,2015年度纯爱音舞瑰丽网游《劲舞团3》顺利地拉开了首测的序幕! 据了解,《劲舞团3》是音舞网游鼻祖《劲...

6 19, the much anticipated annual legends of interactive music extravaganza" Dance Mission 3 "open the first beta delete files! At fourteen o'clock, the first batch of the first test activation of the handheld game player flocking, national service server instantaneous line soared red. The game can be described as a head of the game, the hot anomaly! So, 2015 year love music and dance "magnificent online audition 3" successfully kicked off the first test! It is understood, "3" is a dance audition audio originator "jin...