新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童年回忆《唐老鸭历险记:高清重制版》数字版即将下架


Childhood Memories The Adventure of Donald Duck: High Definition Reproduction

2019-08-07 10:45:01来源: 游戏时光

卡普空美国官推日前发布公告称《唐老鸭历险记:高清重制版》将于 2019 年 8 月 8 日开始陆续下架。《唐老鸭历险记:高清重制版》发售于 2013 年,高清重制了 1989 年的经典游戏《唐老鸭历险记》。公告中并没有说明下架原因,不过官方表示,已经购买了实体光盘和数字版的玩家不受影响,可以正常游玩,数字版的玩家可以正常删除游戏并重新下载。在下架前,官方还开启了 75%off 的折扣,想要收藏的小伙伴们记得赶在下架时间前进行购买。各个平台具体下架时间如下(北京时间):Wii U:8 月 10 日 上午 7:59PS3:8 月 9 日 晚上 11:00Xbox 360、Xbox One(向下兼容...

Capcom's U.S. official announced recently that "The Adventure of Donald Duck: High Definition Reproduction" will be released on August 8, 2019. "Adventures of Donald Duck: High Definition Reproduction" was released in 2013, and HD reproduced the classic game "Adventures of Donald Duck" in 1989. The announcement did not specify the reasons for the download, but officials said that players who had purchased physical CDs and digital versions were unaffected and could play normally, while players in digital versions could delete the game and download it again. Officials also opened a 75% off discount before they went off the shelf, and those who wanted to collect remembered to make purchases before they got off the shelf. The specific time for each platform to get off the shelf is as follows (Beijing time): Wii U: 7:59 PS3 on August 10: 11:00 Xbox 360, Xbox One on August 9.