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《天命传说》伊娃换新装 新英雄妮儿贺新春

"Destiny" legend Eva takes on a new look to greet new year my new hero

2017-01-27 10:23:53来源: 任玩堂


Open "iOS" adventure Mobile Games destiny legends Spring Edition has been officially launched in January 25th, in the new version, the spokesman of the thunder chopper brave trials Eva will put on new clothes "Rockets", in addition to the mysterious hero of my space ranger censor will also come to Kadri A. In the "legend" in the vast expanse of the destiny, Kadri A, all the stories will run through the lustrous and dazzling, touch one deeply in the heart the hero's adventure. In this journey, the hero of every hue will also debut one by one, the thunder chopper Eva is undoubtedly one of the most striking role of. The artificial spirit is born from the steel dragon core energy Maigetelong electro-optical crystal ", in a unique way to perceive the world, and to dislike raging in the darkness of the world Legion heart, to defend life and walk in the world. The Spring Festival is approaching, Kadri A, is also in the cold winter, although Eva is the artificial intelligence, but she also put on the skin, "Rockets" and their game player...