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《暴走魔兽团》新版本抢鲜看 驾驭全新坐骑挑战熔火之地

The outbreak of warcraft, the new version to rob fresh look Control the new mount challenge molten fire place

2016-12-05 10:45:10来源: 任玩堂

策略动作卡牌手游《暴走魔兽团》新版今日上线,抢先登陆越狱和应用宝渠道。更新内容包含考验实力和团队默契的 PVE 玩法“熔火组队战”;全面提升英雄属性的洗练功能;S 级坐骑“海盗火箭”和“翡翠翔龙”。一个人升级打怪难免感觉孤单,组团刷怪才是王道,战队达到 62 级,多人 PVE 玩法——熔火组队战就将开启。熔火之地的怪物凶暴狡猾,每个副本中的怪物会分成三队发起进攻。三队怪物实力各有不同,这就需要合理调整队形,将敌人各个击破。可以说,这个玩法不仅考验个人实力,更考验团队的默契。发挥你的智慧,帮助团队获取最多的胜利果实吧,成功击败 BOSS 后,勇士们将获得珍稀道具“洗练石”,用于英雄全新洗练功能。...

Strategy card player to swim the outbreak of warcraft, the new online today, forays prison break and application channels. Update content contains test of strength and teamwork PVE play "molten fire team war"; Improve hero attribute washs practice function; The s-class mounts rocket "pirates" and "jade xianglong. One upgrade have hard to avoid feeling lonely, brush geek is king group, team up to 62, more than PVE play - melting team battle will open fire. Land of molten monsters cruel cunning, each copy of the monster attack will be divided into three teams. Three monsters strength is different, which requires reasonable adjustment formation, divide-and-conquer to the enemy. Can say, the play test personal strength not only, more test team. Use your wisdom, to help the team get the most success, successfully defeated the BOSS, warriors will have rare items "washs practice stone", for hero washs practice new functions. ...