新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任务被卡别怕《苍狼破月》团结就是力量


Do not be afraid to be the task card "Wolf breaking month" unity is strength

2015-12-16 16:09:24来源: 天极网

双12测试的《苍狼破月》,玩家基本上还在新手区摸爬滚打。游戏内操作大部分已经被玩家熟悉与认同。帮派和队伍以几何速度增加。每天新注册的玩家站满了游戏出生地。 说到《苍狼破月》里的任务,相信有很多玩家对此很头痛,毕竟玩游戏前期任务是相当重要的,任务也分前期任务和后期任务,任务慢慢增加难度...

12 double testing "Wolf breaking month", the player is still basically fought novice area. Most of the game operation has been familiar with the players agree. Gangs and teams geometric rate. Newly registered players every day full of game birthplace. Speaking of "Wolf breaking month" in the mission, believe that there are a lot of players on this headache, after all, the game is very important preliminary task, the task can be divided into pre-and post-mission tasks, gradually increase the difficulty of the task ...