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武侠力作《刀剑如梦》 今日火爆开测

The martial arts masterpiece "sword like dream" hot open test today

2015-12-16 14:58:58来源: 4399

由颐博游戏与遥望网络联合首发的《刀剑如梦》是一款颠覆传统无脑操作流,摒弃虚拟摇杆的ARPG手游,今日不删档内测火爆开启了!玩家在其中扮演豪侠,召唤各路英雄一起行走江湖,恩怨便是空,刀剑也如梦,强烈的真实代入感演绎来去匆匆的旷世绝学传奇。 梦回少年重塑经典 首款让你无法分辨梦幻与现实的...

By Yi Bo game and look into the distance network joint first "sword like a dream" is a subversion of the traditional non brain operation flow and abandon the virtual joystick hand ARPG tour, today does not delete files online popular open. Player in the play gallant, summon heroes walking along rivers and lakes, the enemy was empty, the sword like dream, strong substitution of reality sense of interpretation and hurried Kuangshi Juexue legend. The young dream first let you reshape classic cannot distinguish between dream and reality...