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手机上的血腥狂奔大赛 《死亡独轮车》“作死”上线

Mobile phone bloody running contest "death unicycle" to "die" on the line

2015-08-21 21:00:39来源: 任玩堂

Happy Wheel《死亡独轮车》这款在 PC 平台上推出的休闲游戏相信不少玩家不会感到陌生,作死度十足的游戏玩法,血肉模糊的画面表现,这就是本作的魅力之处。如今本作已经以免费下载形式登陆到 iOS 平台,玩家可以随时随地进行独轮车作死大赛了。 相比于 PC 版,移动版在玩法上并没有...

Happy wheel "death unicycle" this launched on the PC platform casual games believe that many players will not feel strange, Zuosi degree full of gameplay, the picture of the performance of the bloody, this is the charm. Now this has to download free form landing to the IOS platform, the player can anytime, anywhere wheelbarrow Zuosi contest. Compared to the PC version, the mobile version of the play is not...