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美女陪你闯战地 《赤色兵团》震撼来袭

Beauty to accompany you to break "Red Army" battlefield shock struck

2015-08-21 20:57:45来源: 不凡游戏网

自古宝刀配良将,美女配英雄。热血战车手游《赤色兵团》即将震撼登录各大渠道,英雄之战就要开启,最先进的武器装备,最激烈刺激的战斗,最血性的营救行动,还有美女一路相伴,有没有一点心动呢,下面先让我们一起来感受下这场令人欲罢不能的烽火激情吧! 《赤色兵团》海报图 《赤色兵团》是一款战车...

sword with good beauty since ancient times, with a hero. Blood chariot Tour "Red Army" will shock log on the channel, battle of the heroes to open, the most advanced weapons and equipment, the most intense stimulation of the battle, the courage and uprightness of the rescue operation, and beauty all the way accompanied by, have a heart. Here let us together to feel this is unable to stop the flames of passion! "Red" poster "Red Army Corps" is a chariot...