新关注 > 信息聚合 > 芜湖三七互娱网络科技集团股份有限公司 企业社会责任报告(2020)

芜湖三七互娱网络科技集团股份有限公司 企业社会责任报告(2020)

Corporate social responsibility report of Wuhu Sanqi mutual Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd. (2020)

2020-10-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一、公司状况 三七互娱(股票代码:002555),中国互联网百强企业,被纳入中证沪深300指数、明晟MSCI指数、高盛“新漂亮50”名单。旗下拥有游戏研发品牌三七游戏,游戏运营平台37网游、37手游、37GAMES。 三七游戏经过多年发展,已拥有超2000名研发员工,积累了大量的核心技术,自主研发了一系列的游戏引擎,并持续创新游戏框架。37网游成立于2011年,目前平台注册用户超过7亿。37手游自2013年成立以来,成功发行《永恒纪元》《大天使之剑H5》《精灵盛典:黎明》等诸多精品游戏。海外发行品牌37GAMES覆盖200多个国家和地区,全球发行手机游戏超过120款,成功发行《江湖大梦》《鬼语迷城》《镇魔曲》《诛仙》等多款自研及代理产品。 此外,三七互娱还关注“互联网+教育”模式,旗下拥有在线教育品牌妙小

1、 Company status: Sanqi mutual Entertainment (Stock Code: 002555), one of China's top 100 Internet companies, was included in the CSI 300 index, Mingsheng MSCI index and Goldman Sachs "new beautiful 50" list. It has 37 online games, 37 mobile games and 37 games. After years of development, Sanqi game has more than 2000 R & D employees, accumulated a large number of core technologies, independently developed a series of game engines, and continuously innovated the game framework. 37 online games was founded in 2011, and now the platform has more than 700 million registered users. 37 since its establishment in 2013, mobile game has successfully released many boutique games, such as "eternal era", "Archangel sword H5" and "elf ceremony: Dawn". The overseas distribution brand 37games covers more than 200 countries and regions. It has issued more than 120 mobile games all over the world. It has successfully released a number of self-developed and agent products, such as "river lake dream", "ghost town", "magic song" and "Zhuxian". In addition, 37 mutual entertainment is concerned about the "Internet plus education" mode, and owns an online education brand.

标签: 三七互娱