新关注 > 信息聚合 > 破茧之作《武极天下》 打破传统游戏场景视觉之茧

破茧之作《武极天下》 打破传统游戏场景视觉之茧

The cocoon of Wuji "world" to break the traditional game scene visual cocoon

2015-03-26 14:41:25来源: 4399

目前市面上无论是手游甚至是PC游戏,大多数都只是单地图模式,能做到双层地图模式的就已经是凤毛麟角,而《武极天下》手游的四层地图模式,无疑再一次远远地走在了行业前列,打破了传统游戏场景视觉之茧。并且《武极天下》即将开启首次测试! ▍单地图模式 视觉疲劳 目前市场上的游戏,近乎大部分游戏...

currently on the market whether it is Mobile Games even PC games, most of them single map mode, can do double map model is already very rare, and "Wuji" Mobile Games world four layer map mode, no doubt once again far away in the forefront of the industry, breaking the traditional game scene visual cocoon. And "Wuji" is about to open the world first test! Man single map pattern visual fatigue currently on the market the game, almost the majority of game...

标签: 游戏