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Sweep away the haze "Jiangshan" painting under the dome busy planting

2015-03-14 08:28:56来源: 新浪

画江山 CGWR 得分 CGWR:647 位 CGWR介绍 前阵子网上谈论火热的《穹顶之下》给我们讲诉了雾霾的危害,不仅丰富了我们闲暇时间的谈资,也警示了我们保护环境以及迫在眉睫。阳春三月,恰逢植树节,小伙伴们一起扛起铲子和树苗去植树吧!让我们一起先来看一看《画江山》中那些适合种...

painting Jiangshan CGWR score of CGWR:647 bit CGWR introduced a while ago I talked about the Internet hot "under the dome" told us about haze harm, not only enrich our leisure time to talk about, warning of the imminent Protect environment and our. Yangchun in March, coinciding with the arbor day, friends carry shovels and seedlings to plant trees! Let us first look at the painting of "Jiangshan" those suitable for...