新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《冠军召唤》前瞻:MOBA手游又一大力作


"Champion" prospective: MOBA Mobile Games call another great for

2015-03-13 21:37:01来源: 4399

此前4399小编曝光的一款MOBA类型手游佳作《冠军召唤》又是有最新消息了,官方近期曝光了游戏的最新玩法,看上去非常有意思,相信该作将会成为MOBA手游中一个强有力的代表作。 ▍ MOBA游戏悄然崛起 提到《冠军召唤》,就不得说到移动端的MOBA游戏了,从2012年Gameloft推...

after 4399 small make up the exposure of a MOBA type Mobile Games masterpiece "champion" is a call for the latest news, the recent exposure of the official game new play, look very interesting, I believe this will be a strong representative MOBA in Mobile Games. Man MOBA game "call" quietly rise mention champion, had not said mobile terminal MOBA games, from 2012 Gameloft push...

标签: 手游