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欢迎挑战史上最难《打砖块》 日本网友全部是0分

The most difficult challenge "welcome the history play bricks" Japanese netizen is all 0 points

2015-03-17 07:51:53来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 相信大家都玩过打砖块的游戏,这个游戏虽然很简单,但是想要玩好也不是那么的容易,毕竟这款游戏十分考验玩家的反应能力。 游戏截图 游戏截图,0分 最近在网上出现一款打砖块的游戏,操作也十分简单,就是用键盘控制左右键移动。但是在日本推特网友玩过之后,都纷纷吐槽这个游戏实在是...

game everyone played the game, this game is very simple, but want to play is not so easy, after all the game very test reaction ability of the game player. Screenshots screenshots of the game appeared on the Internet recently, 0 points a game, the operation is very simple, is to use keyboard control around key mobile. But after Japan twitter play, this game is really have vomit tank...