新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这么牛你玩过吗 盘点那些惊动过央视的游戏

这么牛你玩过吗 盘点那些惊动过央视的游戏

Such cattle do you play it count those who disturb the CCTV game

2015-01-22 16:29:29来源: 新浪


a good game if not good publicity, cannot be fast by the popular game player know. CCTV in the treatment of game advertising has been card is very strict, and even can be said that the slightest unflinchingly. But with the development of the domestic game industry has become increasingly standardized, enhance the game player genuine consciousness, expand the influence of games. CCTV boss also frequently "disturb"! As in previous LOL, world of Warcraft, the recent "fragile", "sea ice king" have appeared on the...

标签: 游戏