新关注 > 信息聚合 > 服务器爆满《赤壁之战》新服人气火爆


Full server "battle of Red Cliff" the new service popular hot

2015-01-22 16:29:29来源: 新浪

赤壁之战 CGWR 得分 CGWR:356 位 CGWR介绍 首选国战竞技网游《赤壁之战》两大新服“三分天下”与“九伐中原”火爆开启!新服开启,服务器人气爆!热血国战,激情冲天,战!战!战!新服新战场,兄弟,你准备一起开战了吗? 我要开战>> 热血国战人气火爆 【全新热血...

Chibi CGWR score of CGWR:356 CGWR introduced the preferred country sports online games "the battle of Chibi" two new services "three world" and "the nine cutting Central Plains" irritable opening! The new service, open, server popularity explosion! Blood in war, passion cupola, battle of! War! War! The new service, a new battlefield, brother, you going to war? I'm going to war > > blood country war hot popularity [new blood...