新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有钱就是任性 专为土豪玩家征用的千万级装备

有钱就是任性 专为土豪玩家征用的千万级装备

The money is capricious designed for local tyrants game player requisition million class equipment

2015-01-15 16:23:51来源: 新浪

无论是游戏发布会还是游戏展会,对于玩家来说都是一场游戏盛宴,而为了达到吸引玩家眼球的效果,游戏厂商往往也会在发布会上大下工夫,除了靓丽的SG,更有一些只有土豪才能享用的千万级“装备”,从飞机到航母,从坦克到机器人,真是应有尽有,下面一起来见识一下吧! CFPL——波音飞机 2015...

both conference games or game show, is a game feast for game player, in order to achieve attract eyeball effect of game player, game manufacturers often big effort in the conference, in addition to beautiful SG, and some only local tyrants to enjoy the tens of millions of "equipment", from aircraft to aircraft carrier, from tanks to the robot, it is have everything that one expects to find, the following up and see! CFPL -- Boeing 2015...

标签: 玩家