新关注 > 信息聚合 > 回味十二年前的校园电影 《贱女孩》将推同名手游

回味十二年前的校园电影 《贱女孩》将推同名手游

Finish twelve years ago campus film "mean girls" will push the eponymous Mobile Games

2015-01-16 12:38:55来源: 4399

《贱女孩》是一款在2004年上映的校园题材主题电影,影片中凭借复杂整人手段与高中生活成功的让美国人引起共鸣,且在相当长的一段时间内雄踞票房榜单前列。而十余年后的今天,该片再度引起关注,不过这一次则是由于国外的So Much Drama StudiOS工作室宣布将会在IOS平台上推出《贱女...

"mean girls" is a released in 2004 campus theme movie, the film with complex whole means and high school life success let Americans resonate, and in a fairly long period of time topped the box office charts. But ten years later, the film again raised concerns, but this time it is because foreign So Much Drama StudiOS studio to be announced in the IOS platform launched "female base...

标签: 电影 手游