新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农夫和黄色魔鬼的故事


The story of the farmer and the Yellow devil

2021-07-05 18:19:27来源: 触乐

在很久很久以后,在距离阿富汗首都喀布尔50公里的郊外,有一个农夫。农夫家里很穷,幸亏这里的土地里到处都埋着金属,有些是金属残片,有些是金属圆筒,如果运气好的话,还能挖到AK-47。靠着这些东西,农夫勉强可以糊口,不过为了防止自己太贪婪,他给自己立下一条规矩,每天至多捡4件东西。 有一天早上,农夫正在耕地,一个亮晶晶的东西吸引了他。他走过去,看到一个半红半白的圆球埋在地下,表面斑驳,看起来在地下有些日子了。他非常开心:“这是个新鲜玩意儿,说不定是个新手雷哩。”他把这个球挖出来,用袖子擦去上面的泥土,自言自语:“这里面到底是个什么东西?我要打开来看看,然后拿到巴扎上去卖。” 就在农夫刚有这个念头的时候,这个球忽然发出了悦耳的声音,然后放射出耀眼的白光,随着&ldquo

A long time later, on the outskirts of Kabul, 50 kilometers away from the Afghan capital, there was a farmer. The farmer's family is very poor. Fortunately, the land here is full of metal. Some are metal fragments, some are metal cylinders. If you're lucky, you can dig AK-47. Relying on these things, the farmer can barely make a living, but in order to prevent himself from being too greedy, he made a rule for himself, picking up at most four things a day.