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How to tell your own story

2021-07-08 16:34:34来源: 触乐

在不少玩家的固有印象中,RPG游戏通常遵循着一套固有的模式:主人公为了完成击败Boss、拯救世界的目标开始冒险,途中根据不同的解锁条件召集队友、解决NPC的问题、经历不同的考验,最终达成一个结局。在这个过程中,支线任务对主线任务可能有影响,也可能没有;队友可能与主角产生频繁的情感互动,也可能只是完成任务的工具人;结局也有“可选”与“不可选”之分,这取决于开发者是坚持自己对故事的把控,还是把角色的命运交给玩家。 许多经典作品都在这套模式下给玩家贡献了难忘的体验,而玩家也在这些作品的影响下建立起了评价RPG的标准:角色塑造是否优秀,故事是否吸引人,情节发展是否合理,结局是否水到渠成。总的来说,能不能成功营造出沉浸感是决定RPG水准的重要因素之一—&mdas

In the inherent impression of many players, RPG games usually follow a set of inherent mode: in order to achieve the goal of defeating boss and saving the world, the protagonist begins to take risks. On the way, he convenes his teammates according to different unlocking conditions, solves NPC problems, experiences different tests, and finally achieves an end. In this process, the branch task may or may not have an impact on the main task; Teammates may have frequent emotional interaction with the protagonist, or they may just be tools to complete the task; There are also & amp; endings; ldquo; Optional & amp; rdquo; With & amp; ldquo; Not optional & amp; rdquo; It depends on whether the developers insist on controlling the story or hand over the fate of the characters to the players.