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Gamera Game三周年发布会 多款新游登场亮相

GAMERA game's third anniversary press conference unveiled a number of new games

2021-04-20 20:30:40来源: 游戏时光

国内独立游戏发行商 Gamera Game 于 4 月 20 日晚 8 点,以线上直播的形式举办了一场名为“GameraGame闹”三周年特别节目的发布会。期间公布了多款海内外新作的消息,其中包括《烟火》开发者的新作《三伏》,以及《四季之春》《蛋蛋掌门日志》等新游戏。视频地址与此同时,Gamera Game 在 Steam 同步开启了三周年特卖活动,包括《戴森球计划》《烟火》《了不起的修仙模拟器》在内的 20 余款作品都开启了史低优惠折扣,想要入手这些游戏的朋友请千万不要错过这个机会。【点此进入特卖活动页】《戴森球计划》后续开发工作稳步推进中最先亮相的是年初热卖的《戴森球计划》,游戏的制作人为玩家们带来了祝福。目前《戴森球计划》的后续开发计划,包括太空平台和战斗系统正在有条不紊地推进中,而玩家们关心的复制分拣器

GAMERA game, a domestic independent game publisher, held a press conference of the special program for the third anniversary of "GAMERA game" in the form of online live broadcast at 8 p.m. on April 20. During this period, a number of new works at home and abroad were announced, including the new work Sanfu by the developer of fireworks, as well as new games such as spring of the four seasons and egg master's log. Video address at the same time, GAMERA game synchronously opened its third anniversary sale in steam. More than 20 works, including Dyson ball plan, fireworks and the great fairy simulator, have opened low discounts. Please don't miss this opportunity if you want to start these games【 Click here to enter the special sale activity page] the follow-up development of the Dyson ball plan is progressing steadily. The first one to appear is the Dyson ball plan, which sold well at the beginning of the year. The game producer has brought blessings to the players. At present, the follow-up development plan of Dyson ball project, including space platform and combat system, is advancing in an orderly manner, and the players are concerned about the replication sorter