新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《逆战》三周年晚会“小苍VS王尼玛”现场直击


"Of the war against the third anniversary of" party "small king vs NIMA watch the scene

2015-07-10 02:47:51来源: 17173

《逆战》不删档三周年庆典火热来袭。电竞女神小苍携《逆战》主播小白及《逆战》猫女团坐镇游戏直播间,暴走家族灵魂人物王尼玛强势踢馆。双人PK体验《逆战》全新趣味游戏模式“暴走找猫猫”。 三周年专题地址>> 电竞女神苍遇到暴走王尼玛秒变逗比 猫女团热舞K歌火辣开场,直播现场的气球爆破和...

" reverse war "does not delete files on the third anniversary celebration of the hot hits. Gaming goddess small carrying the inverse war "anchor white and the inverse of war" cat tanacu sits the game live, runaway family soul King NIMA strong Tiguan. Double PK experience "against the war" new games "to find the cat go ballistic model". The third anniversary of the topics address eSports goddess Cang encounter runaway NIMA King becomes the second funny than Catwoman Dance Group K "hot start, live scene balloons and blasting...