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白衣若雪 九阴真经时装冰魄cos美图集

White snow Jiuyin scriptures fashion ice soul cos beauty Atlas of

2015-07-10 06:45:12来源: 多玩游戏

可以说风物志的推出,是《九阴真经》外观史上的一个里程碑。自风物志现世,时装似已逐渐淡出世人的视野,各类精致的风物志近乎充斥了整个江湖。穿梭在大街小巷,漫步于熙熙攘攘的市井田园,放眼望去,皆是一袭风物志。 今日有一位女侠身着经典时装“冰魄”出镜,艳惊四座。一袭素衣白胜雪,宛如仙女落凡尘...

said scenery Chi's launch, is a milestone in the history of "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" appearance. Since the scenery Chi life, fashion seems to have faded out of people's vision, all kinds of exquisite scenery Chi almost filled the entire arena. The shuttle in the high streets and back lanes, walking in the street garden Fangyanwangqu, streams of people busily coming and going, is a scenery chi. Today, a woman dressed in classic fashion "ice" appearance, Yan scared four. A Su Yi Bai Shengxue, like a fairy fell on earth...