新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血江湖新版“格斗之王”精彩内容等你体验


Yulgang version of "fighting for the king" exciting content such as you experience

2015-07-09 19:26:05来源: 17173

3D武侠网游《热血江湖》全新版本V13.0“格斗之王”将于7月16日霸气公测。全新职业、全新副本地图、全新怪物、全新美容美发系统、全新优化改善等诸多精彩内容将在此版本中亮相,相信会让大家在享受超酷超爽游戏的同时,感受到《热血江湖》无限的魅力,掀起一场前所未有的武侠风暴。 本次V13....

3D knight errant net to tour "warm blooded rivers and lakes" new version v13.0 "fighting for the king" will be on July 16, domineering beta. A new career, a new copy of the map, new monsters, new hairdressing system, new optimization to improve a lot of exciting content will debut in this version, I believe will let you enjoy the cool ultra crisp game at the same time, feel "warm blooded rivers and lakes" infinite charm, set off an unprecedented storm of the martial arts. This V13...