新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁是你的真命武将 《关云长》四大武将助你纵横三国

谁是你的真命武将 《关云长》四大武将助你纵横三国

Who is your destiny generals "Kuan" four major generals help you maneuver Three Kingdoms

2015-07-10 12:03:17来源: 4399

作为一款以三国世界观为背景的策略类动作游戏,玩家通过招募武将及提升自己等级和装备再东汉末年的乱世中建功立业。关云长手游中有很多英雄,看看谁才是你的真命英雄吧! 天命关羽 选择天命关羽的玩家,适合与远程武将搭配,天命关羽的技能多带有控制性,可以在敌人施放大招的时候打断对方,从而让后排武...

as a view with the background of the strategy action game of the three countries in the world, the player through recruit generals and enhance their level of equipment and again at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in troubled times contributions. Kuan tour in many of the hero to see who is your destiny hero! Destiny Guan Yu select destiny of Guan Yu internationally, suitable for remote generals and match, destiny Guan Yu's skill with control can in enemy spells strokes to interrupt each other, so that the rear Wu...