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友情奇遇记 龙武社交匹配系统暖心上线

Friendship the adventures of Long Wu social matching system warm heart on-line Sina

2015-07-10 08:34:18来源: 新浪

一款成功的游戏,画面、玩法构筑其肉体,而完善且具人性化的社交系统,则让其拥有灵魂。正是师徒、基友、伴侣的共同努力,玩家们才会在有情有义的仙侠世界里,肆意感受爱恨情仇。如今,《龙武》全新社交匹配系统暖心上线,完善的1对1匹配,让你感受江湖的情义! 【师徒情义匹配 享受专属坐骑】 初...

a successful games, screen, play to build the flesh, and perfect and humanized social system, make it have a soul. Is the joint efforts of the master, friend, partner, players will be in the righteous immortal chivalrous swordsman world, wanton feel love and hate. Now, "dragon" new social system, warm heart line, perfect 1 to 1 match, let you feel the arena of friendship! Friendship, enjoy exclusive mounts [Master] at the beginning...

标签: 社交