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梦幻西游手游70剧情饿死鬼怎么杀 阳王入阴曹剧情..

Dream swims on the west travel 70 plot starve for the devil to kill Wang Yang into the netherworld plot..

2015-07-10 11:17:06来源: 4399

打过了战死鬼后,接下来面临的是饿死鬼的威胁,今天4399挽歌就为大家带来梦幻西游手游精英玩家分享70剧情饿死鬼单挑经验,了解下阳王入阴曹剧情攻略吧~ 饿死鬼 剧情难点:怪物多为普陀山门派,第一回合群秒起来会很痛,如果短时间内不能封印地方单位或者造成敌方血量大量损耗,那么6个群秒过来想...

who died in the ghost play, and the rest of the face is the threat of hungry ghosts, today 4399 elegy is for everyone to bring Fantasy Westward Journey Travel elite players share 70 plot Sigui singled out experience, understand Yang Wang into the netherworld plot Raiders ~ starve for the devil plot difficulties: monsters and more to Putuo Mountain clan, the first round group seconds will be very painful, if a short period of time can not seal in place unit or caused by large enemy blood loss, then six group of seconds over to...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游