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《御战神途》明日公测 忆往昔 再聚首

Open beta tomorrow "Royal ares way," recalling the past reunion

2015-07-09 19:26:05来源: 天极网

传奇,见证了中国网游史的发展,在那青涩懵懂的岁月里,陪伴了我们无数个日日夜夜 转眼十五载,不变的,是对它的那份怀念与挚爱! 神途,作为传奇网游的最佳传承,多年以来,一直深受玩家们的爱戴! 《御战神途》融合了传奇与神途的游戏精华并在此基础上另辟新径,让玩家们更能体会到当年的那份...

legend, witnessed the development of the history of Chinese online games, in the sentimental ignorant years, accompanied by a us countless days and nights in the twinkling of an eye the 15 years, invariant, is it that miss and love! God's way, as a legend, the net swims the best inheritance, over the years, has been well received by players love! "The Imperial War way" fusion legend and Shentu the essence of the game based on the provision of a new path, so that players can experience to the year of the share of...