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盗亦有道 要当上古世纪海盗起码做到这几点

To Goodfellas when ancient century pirates at least do this a few

2015-07-09 17:50:03来源: 多玩游戏

海盗,在我还没玩上古的时候,就感觉是很霸气威勐的职业,玩了游戏当过海盗之后,才发现威勐霸气后面的辛酸和难处。但是为什么还会有很家想去当海盗呢?简单一点的,就是想去体验一下。更深层次的,应该是为了去享受那种特殊神秘,热爱自由,敢于冒险,桀骜不驯,而又被人们赋予传奇甚至魔幻色彩的感觉吧。 ...

pirates, in I haven't played in ancient time, the feeling is very domineering Wei Meng career. After playing the game as a pirate, only found Wei Meng domineering behind the bitterness and difficulty. But why do you want to be a pirate? Simple, just want to experience. Probably, it is to enjoy the kind of mysterious and special, freedom loving, adventurous, rebellious, and is to give people a feeling of legends and even magic color deeper. ...