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EHome官博呼吁帮助CTY:We need you

EHome CTY:We need you

2015-07-10 08:20:20来源: 游久网

昨日EHome官博发文呼吁大家帮助签证没过的CTY。 全文如下: We need you!——EHOME需要你的帮助! 作为国内最老牌的俱乐部之一,EHOME经历了无数风风雨雨。从10年十冠辉煌,到11年科隆绝唱,再到15年重新扬帆起航,这一路走来,各中坚信只有过来人才明白。所幸...

long travel network yesterday EHome official blog called for help visa before CTY. Full text is as follows: we need you! -- EHOME need your help! As one of the oldest club in the domestic, EHOME experienced numerous ups and downs. From 10 ten years brilliant crown, to 11 in Cologne in farewell to 15 years re sailing. Along the way, each convinced that only over the talent to understand. Fortunately...