新关注 > 信息聚合 > 做恶魔吃火锅 国产动作游戏《恶魔反击战》8月16日发售

做恶魔吃火锅 国产动作游戏《恶魔反击战》8月16日发售

Do devil eat hot pot domestic action game "devil counterattack" went on sale on August 16

2021-08-09 16:55:18来源: 游戏时光

由成都工作室 WildPlanet 开发,Gamera Game 发行的 Roguelite 动作游戏《恶魔反击战》将于 8 月 16 日下午 3 点在 Steam 正式发售。视频地址《恶魔反击战》是一款地牢探索 Roguelite 动作游戏,在游戏中玩家可以扮演恶魔和魅魔两位不同类型的角色。他们的攻击方式和技能各不相同,玩家需要通过击败各种怪物,收集其灵魂来建设自己的村庄,并且一步步解开世界的真相。在恶魔生活的村庄之外,在游戏中还有名为深渊的场景,在其中栖息着无数强大而又有趣的怪物。每一次进入深渊,都可以看成是一场新奇的冒险,将会得到随机的关卡、怪物、装备以及物品。为了给游戏增添更多的趣味性,开发团队在游戏中融入了不少恶搞元素,像是火箭发射器、沙漠之鹰、抽奖大转盘……这些玩家们熟悉的元素都将在游戏中一一登场。

Developed by Chengdu studio wildplanet and released by GAMERA game, roguelite action game devil counterattack will be officially released in steam at 3 p.m. on August 16. The video address "devil counterattack" is a dungeon exploration roguelite action game, in which players can play two different types of roles: Devil and demon. Their attack methods and skills are different. Players need to defeat all kinds of monsters, collect their souls to build their own villages, and solve the truth of the world step by step. In addition to the village where the devil lives, there is also a scene called abyss in the game, in which countless powerful and interesting monsters inhabit. Each time you enter the abyss, you can see it as a novel adventure. You will get random levels, monsters, equipment and items. In order to add more interest to the game, the development team has integrated many mischief elements into the game, such as rocket launcher, desert eagle, lottery turntable... These familiar elements will appear in the game one by one.

标签: 游戏