新关注 > 信息聚合 > 肖恩·雷登:游戏开发越来越贵,所以游戏续作变多类型变少


Sean Leiden: game development is becoming more and more expensive, so there are more sequels and fewer types of games

2021-09-06 10:42:02来源: 游戏时光

雷登表示,他在 PlayStation 任职时最新的 PS4 大作开发预算就已经达到了 1 亿美元,而现在似乎每个平台的开发成本都翻了一番。据他预测,PS5 游戏的开发成本将达到 2 亿美元,而且还会继续呈指数增长。按照他的说法,如果没办法阻止成本曲线上升,那么厂商能做的就只有想办法降低风险了,这也是现在越来越多游戏续作、原创新作越来越少的原因,因为比起冒险去创作一款全新作品,还是继续推出已经经过市场验证的系列续作更保险一点。与此同时,开发预算居高不下也令游戏的种类变得越来越少,因为多数厂商都倾向于制作更受欢迎的类型作品。最终,市场中只会留下 3~4 个游戏类型,其余的类型则会被市场淘汰。雷登表示,他老东家 PlayStation 的战略也体现了上述规律。施莱尔指出,雷登在老东家任职时也极大地推动了「对更大世界

Leiden said that when he worked at Playstation, the latest PS4 masterpiece development budget had reached $100 million, and now it seems that the development cost of each platform has doubled. According to his prediction, the development cost of ps5 games will reach $200 million, and will continue to grow exponentially. According to him, if there is no way to stop the rise of the cost curve, the only thing manufacturers can do is to find ways to reduce the risk. This is also the reason why there are more and more game sequels and fewer original new works, because it is safer to continue to launch a series of sequels that have been verified by the market than to take risks to create a new work. At the same time, the high development budget also makes the types of games less and less, because most manufacturers tend to make more popular types of works. Finally, only 3 ~ 4 game types will be left in the market, and the rest will be eliminated by the market. Leiden said that the strategy of his old owner Playstation also reflects the above law. Schleier pointed out that when Leiden served in his old club, he also greatly promoted "to the larger world"

标签: 游戏