新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS5版《对马之魂》终于改进了服装预览读取慢的问题


Ps5 version of the soul of the horse finally improved the problem of slow reading of clothing preview

2021-09-06 10:36:55来源: 游戏时光

《对马之魂》游戏读取和地图传送的加载速度都非常快,但为角色切换装备时却总是需要好一阵的读取时间才能载入装备预览。PS5 版《对马之魂 导演剪辑版》近日推送了 2.08 版本更新,终于改善了这个问题。现在游戏的装备预览几乎可以无缝切换,玩家可以更加流畅地换装了。 《对马之魂》在主机上的表现十分出色, 即使在 PS4 上,游戏的启动速度和地图传送也仅需数秒。然而,在游戏中的装备页面,玩家通常要等 5-10 秒才能看到外观预览,这让预览装备成为一个烦人而繁琐的过程。现在这项更新无疑大大优化了游戏体验。 不过此项更新目前似乎仅适用于 PS5 版,尚不清楚 PS4 版何时能优化这个问题。&

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; 《 The loading speed of horse soul game reading and map transmission is very fast, but it always takes a long time to load the equipment preview when switching equipment for characters. Ps5 version of the director's editing version of the soul of the horse recently launched a version 2.08 update, which finally improved this problem. Now the equipment preview of the game can be switched almost seamlessly, and players can change clothes more smoothly& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; 《 The soul of the horse performed very well on the host. Even on the PS4, the game's startup speed and map transmission took only a few seconds. However, on the equipment page in the game, players usually have to wait for & amp; nbsp; It takes 5-10 seconds to see the appearance preview, which makes the preview equipment an annoying and cumbersome process. Now this update undoubtedly greatly optimizes the game experience& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; However, this update seems to only apply to ps5. It is unclear when PS4 will optimize this problem& amp;

标签: PS