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Steam weekly sales list: Battlefield 5 tops

2021-09-06 08:44:03来源: 游戏时光

新一周(8.30~9.5)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,伴随着一折史低促销活动,《战地5》重回销量榜榜首。 改编自龙与地下城规则的“开拓者”桌游系列于 9 月 2 日推出了全新 CRPG《开拓者:正义之怒》,首周销量冲上了第二位,本作预购销量也拿下了第四的成绩。本周位于第三的是国风多人竞技游戏《永劫无间》。 万代南梦宫旗下传说系列最新作《破晓传说》即将于 9 月 9 日发售,本作预购销量冲上第八。 本周 Steam 销量排名《战地5》《开拓者:正义之怒》《永劫无间》《开拓者:正义之怒》预购《命运2》“邪姬魅影”豪华版 + Bungie 30 周年纪念组合包Valve Index VR 套件《异形:火力小队》《破晓传说》《无人深空》《恐鬼症》

The steam sales list of the new week (8.30 ~ 9.5) was released, and battlefield 5 returned to the top of the sales list with a record low promotion& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The "trailblazer" board game series adapted from the rules of dragon and dungeon launched a new CRPG trailblazer: anger of justice on September 2. In the first week, the sales volume rushed to the second place, and the pre order sales volume of this work also won the fourth place. In third place this week is the Guofeng multiplayer competitive game forever.

标签: Steam