新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日版Switch OLED款式将于9月24日开启预定

日版Switch OLED款式将于9月24日开启预定

The Japanese version of switch OLED will be scheduled on September 24

2021-09-08 13:35:54来源: 游戏时光

任天堂今日在社交媒体宣布,日版 Switch OLED 款式将于 9 月 24 日开启预定,10 月 8 日正式发售,有「白色」和「电光蓝・电光红」两种颜色可供选择,官方价格 37980 日元(含税)/ 2680 港币。 Switch OLED 款式搭 7 英寸 OLED 屏幕,改变了支架的设计,支持连接网线,扬声器也有所加强。关于这款主机的详细情报,请看我们之前的汇总。另外,根据此前报道,任天堂暂无计划单独发售 OLED 款白色 Joy-Con 和新底座。来源:Twitter

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Nintendo announced on social media today that the Japanese version of switch OLED will be scheduled to open on September 24 and officially go on sale on October 8. There are two colors to choose from, "white" and "electro blue and electro red". The official price is 37980 yen (tax included) / HK $2680& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The switch OLED style is equipped with a 7-inch OLED screen, which changes the design of the bracket, supports the connection of network cables, and the speakers are also strengthened. For detailed information about this host, please see our previous summary. In addition, according to previous reports, Nintendo has no plan to sell OLED white joy con and new base separately. Source: Twitter

标签: Switch