新关注 > 信息聚合 > 策略游戏《漫威暗夜之子》新实机:联手金刚狼暴打剑齿虎


Strategy game "son of Marvel night" new real machine: join hands with Wolverine to beat saber toothed tiger

2021-09-08 12:45:29来源: 游戏时光

2K Games 公布了策略游戏《漫威暗夜之子》的最新实机演示,展示了主角“猎人”、神秘博士、刀锋战士、金刚狼的战斗动作,以及遭遇剑齿虎的剧情和在安全基地与队友交流的要素。本作将于 2022 年 3 月登陆 PS5、PS4、Xbox Series、Xbox One、NS 和 PC 平台。玩家在游戏中将扮演原创英雄“猎人”,率领复仇者联盟、X 战警、离家童盟等系列的英雄对抗被九头蛇复活的恶魔之母莉莉丝。视频地址

2K games released the latest live demonstration of the strategy game "the son of Marvel's dark night", showing the fighting actions of the protagonist "Hunter", Dr. mystery, blade warrior and wolverine, as well as the plot of encountering saber toothed tiger and the elements of communicating with teammates in a safe base. This work will be launched on ps5, PS4, Xbox series, Xbox one, NS and PC platforms in March 2022. Players will play the original hero "Hunter" in the game, leading the heroes of Avengers alliance, X-Men's police, leaving home children's League and other series to fight against Lilith, the mother of demons resurrected by Hydra. Video address

标签: 游戏