新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天穗之咲稻姬》佐久名公主粘土人今日开启预订


"Tian Sui Zhi Dao Ji" Zuo Jiuming Princess clay man opens reservation today

2021-09-10 17:08:02来源: 游戏时光

良笑社宣布,旗下《天穗之咲稻姬》佐久名公主粘土人今日开启预订。本品全高约 100 mm,旗舰店售价 392 元,预计 2022 年 5 月发货。本品替换表情配有「普通脸」和「笑脸」2 款。配件附带「魂爷」「镰刀」「桑树」「饭碗」「筷子」,除此以外还有「斗笠」「蓑衣」以及「戴着狐狸面具的前发替换件」,组合起来能够再现多种姿势和情景。

Liangxiao society announced that its "Tian Sui Zhi Dao Ji" Zuo Jiuming Princess clay man opened a reservation today. The full height of this product is about 100 mm. The flagship store sells for 392 yuan. It is expected to be delivered in May 2022. This product is equipped with "ordinary face" and "smiling face". Accessories include "soul master", "sickle", "mulberry", "rice bowl" and "chopsticks". In addition, there are "hat", "coir raincoat" and "front hair replacement with Fox mask". When combined, it can reproduce a variety of postures and scenes.