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《银河战士 生存恐惧》详细介绍视频公开 包含大量实机画面

The Galactic warrior's fear of survival is introduced in detail, and the video publicly contains a large number of real machine images

2021-09-11 09:24:12来源: 游戏时光

任天堂公布了《银河战士 生存恐惧》的 5 分钟详细介绍视频,展示了故事背景、游戏场景、萨姆斯的动作技能以及敌人 E.M.M.I. 等信息,包含大量实机画面。视频地址 《银河战士 生存恐惧》是一款以地下世界为舞台所展开的探索型动作游戏,讲述了银河最强赏金猎人萨姆斯·亚兰被派往充满谜团的"行星 ZDR"进行调查的故事。游戏中将有洞窟、熔岩区、太古森林、淹水区等区域供玩家探索。 动作和技能方面,萨姆斯不仅能够使出“光束”“导弹”“跳跃”“滑行”“近战反击”等动作,还将在游戏过程中习得各种技能,例如可抓住特定墙壁和天花板的“蜘蛛磁铁”、变成球的形状并穿过狭窄通道的“变形球”、连续高速移动的“闪光转移

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Nintendo released a 5-minute detailed introduction video of "Galactic warrior survival fear", showing the story background, game scenes, SAMs's action skills and enemy e.m.m.i., including a large number of real-world pictures. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Galactic warrior survival fear" is an exploratory action game launched on the stage of the underground world. It tells that SAMs Yalan, the strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy, is sent to the & quot; Planet ZDR & quot; The story of the investigation. There will be caves, lava areas, ancient forests, flooded areas and other areas for players to explore& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In terms of actions and skills, SAMs can not only use actions such as "beam", "missile", "jump", "slide" and "melee counterattack", but also learn various skills during the game, such as "spider magnet" that can grasp specific walls and ceilings, a "deformation ball" that becomes the shape of a ball and passes through a narrow channel, and a "flash transfer" that moves continuously at high speed

标签: 视频