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The birth of the digital Great Wall: how does game technology help us preserve reality?

2022-06-12 18:26:42来源: 触乐

历经了许多年的发展,电子游戏终于达到以假乱真的地步了。这是个漫长的旅程,但大体上,我们循序渐进地做着“把现实搬进虚拟世界”的工作。绝大多数时候,即便是创造一个虚拟世界,建模与作画都以现实中已有的事物为准绳。至于照片扫描建模(Photogrammetry)、动作捕捉(Motion Capture)这样直接把影像资产快速变为数字化场景的技术就更不用说了。 “把现实搬进虚拟世界”当然是电子游戏一直在做的事情,但这件事情还有另一面,我们还可以用虚拟来“保存现实”。 让人们印象最深的或许是巴黎圣母院。在2019年的大火之后,一度有“游戏公司利用‘刺客信条’建模重建巴黎圣母院”的报道。遗憾的是,这个说法并

After many years of development, electronic games have finally reached the point of confusing the real with the false. This is a long journey, but in general, we are doing it step by step & ldquo; Move reality into the virtual world & rdquo; Work. Most of the time, even when creating a virtual world, modeling and painting are based on the existing things in reality. Not to mention the technologies that directly turn image assets into digital scenes, such as photo scanning modeling and motion capture.

标签: 游戏