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圣莫妮卡创意总监:《战神 诸神黄昏》不会延期,望大家耐心等待

Creative director of Santa Monica: Twilight of the gods of war will not be postponed. Please wait patiently

2022-06-30 10:56:21来源: 游戏时光

《战神》系列新作《战神 诸神黄昏》已于 2020 年公布。本作现预计在 2022 年内发售,但官方尚未公布发售日。面对焦急的玩家们,圣莫妮卡工作室创意总监 Cory Barlog 呼吁大家继续保持耐心。今日(6 月 30 日),Cory Barlog 在社交媒体上发布了一篇动态,译文如下:亲爱的各位玩家们,如果事情由我决定,我会在我知道的时候分享所有信息,但这件事情不取决于我。所以请大家耐心等待。我保证会尽快分享相关内容。我们正为你们制作游戏。因为你们,我们才能制作游戏。不过我们还迎来了一个好消息。Barlog 在回复玩家评论时确认,《战神 诸神黄昏》并没有继续延期的打算。根据知名游戏记者 Jason Schreier 的说法,索尼原本会在 6 月 30 日公布《战神 诸神黄昏》的发售日,但这项计划因故取消。对

The new work of the "God of war" series, "twilight of the gods of war", was released in 2020. This work is expected to be sold in 2022, but the official has not announced the date of sale. Facing anxious players, Cory barrog, creative director of Santa Monica studio, called on everyone to continue to be patient. Today (June 30), Cory barrog posted an update on social media, with the following translation: Dear players, if it's up to me to decide, I will share all the information when I know it, but it's not up to me. So please wait patiently. I promise to share relevant content as soon as possible. We are making games for you. Because of you, we can make games. But we also have good news. When replying to the player's comments, barrog confirmed that "twilight of the gods of war" has no intention to continue the delay. According to the well-known game reporter Jason Schreier, Sony would have announced the release date of "twilight of the gods of war" on June 30, but the plan was cancelled for some reason. yes