新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《007:黄金眼》:奇迹般的开发故事


007: Golden Eye: a miraculous development story

2022-07-07 18:36:25来源: 触乐

一款新人小团队制作的电影改编游戏,在开发阶段两次更改游戏类型,发售日历经3次延期,直到电影上映两年后才姗姗来迟……按照常理,这样的游戏凶多吉少。出人意料的是,25年前,一群来自Rare公司的开发者却化不可能为可能,制作出了经典FPS游戏《007:黄金眼》。这款不朽名作引发的蝴蝶效应,永远改变了全球游戏界的格局。 虽然在今年6月,任天堂没有任何与《黄金眼》相关的游戏公布,但一段时间以来,其实一直流传着在这款名作发售25周年之际可能会公布高清版的消息——Rare的员工已经试玩了,还解锁了Xbox Live成就。 25年前辉煌的成绩背后,蕴含着开发者无穷的创意、激情和汗水,是他们的努力和坚持,铸就了这款光芒四射的奇迹之作。 ■ 一波三折 关于《黄金眼》的一切始于

A movie adaptation game produced by a new team changed the game type twice in the development stage, and the release calendar was postponed three times until two years after the film was released & hellip;& amp; hellip; According to common sense, such a game is more dangerous than good. Surprisingly, 25 years ago, a group of developers from rare turned the impossible into the possibility and produced the classic FPS game 007: golden eye. The butterfly effect caused by this immortal masterpiece has forever changed the pattern of the global game industry.