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【话题】《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》中,哪些怪物令你印象深刻?

[Topic] which monsters impressed you in monster hunter rise: Dawn?

2022-07-07 18:59:39来源: 游戏时光

作为新推出的扩展内容,《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》加入了不少种类的新怪物。对我而言,印象深刻的怪物也有那么几只。首先是棘龙。先说明一下,我之前没遇到过这家伙。后面查了资料才知道,棘龙曾在《怪物猎人 边境G》和《怪物猎人 Online》中登场。这次在《曙光》露面,也算是“旧饭新炒”。我本以为棘龙的行动模式和雄火龙差不多,但打起来才知道,这怪物居然会开 180 度转弯的“倒龙车”。就是因为这招,我被它“猫”了好几回。第二个印象深刻的就是黑蚀龙了。与其说是“印象深刻”,倒不如说“倍感亲切”。因为我刷过一段时间的《怪物猎人 4G》,期间没少和黑蚀龙交手。看到它在《曙光》回归,我心里还是非常高兴的,甚至有种“遇见老朋友”的感觉。于是黑蚀龙任务开放后我第一时间前去讨伐,然后被“狂龙症”感染,再直接“猫车”……第三个印象深刻的怪

As a new expansion, "monster hunter rise: Dawn" has added many kinds of new monsters. For me, there are also a few monsters that are impressive. The first is Spinosaurus. First of all, I haven't met this guy before. After checking the information later, I learned that Spinosaurus had appeared in Monster Hunter Frontier g and Monster Hunter online. This appearance in "dawn" can also be regarded as "new fried rice". I originally thought that the action mode of Spinosaurus was similar to that of male fire dragons, but only after fighting did I know that this monster could actually drive a "dragon reversing car" with a 180 degree turn. Because of this move, I was "cat" by it several times. The second impressive thing is the black eroding dragon. It's not so much "impressive" as "extremely cordial". Because I have been doing "monster hunter 4G" for a period of time, during which I often played against black eclipse dragon. Seeing it return in dawn, I am still very happy, and even have a feeling of "meeting old friends". So after the black eclipse dragon mission was opened, I went to crusade at the first time, and then I was infected by "dragon Mania", and then directly "cat car"... The third impressive monster

标签: 怪物猎人