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【话题】你希望《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》后续加入哪些怪物?

[Topic] which monsters do you want to add to monster hunter rise: Dawn?

2022-07-08 17:29:34来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》加入了不少新怪物,例如冰人鱼龙、绯天狗兽、爵银龙等等。官方还会从今年 8 月开始进行免费更新,届时月迅龙和红莲爆鳞龙将会登场。有朋友认为,《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》的素质值得肯定,但如果能再多加些怪物就更好了。说到这里,我就想到了某几只怪物。要是它们在《曙光》现身的话,我会很开心的。第一只就是《怪物猎人 4G》中的鬼蛙。和黑蚀龙一样,鬼蛙对我而言也是“老朋友”般的存在。它出招凶猛,跳跃能力也不差。打败它后解锁的鬼娃套,还是新手开荒的推荐套装。虽然《曙光》中鬼蛙也有露面,但它只是岁丰稔的幼年体坐骑。希望未来能有可以狩猎的成年个体出现。第二则是火龙家族的亚种和稀少种,比如樱火龙、银火龙和金火龙等等。火龙家族算是整个游戏系列的经典怪物,各种各样的变种怪也值得挑战。其实上述几只火龙怪在《3G》《4

The rise of Monster Hunter: dawn has added many new monsters, such as Iceman Ichthyosaurus, Fei Tengu beast, Jue Yinlong and so on. The official will also carry out free updates from August this year, when moon Xunlong and red lotus explosion scale dragon will appear. Some friends believe that the quality of "monster hunter rises: Dawn" is worth affirming, but it would be better to add more monsters. At this point, I thought of some monsters. I would be very happy if they appeared in dawn. The first is the ghost frog in monster hunter 4G. Like black eclipse dragon, ghost frog is also an "old friend" to me. Its moves are fierce and its jumping ability is not bad. The ghost Doll Set unlocked after defeating it is still the recommended set for beginners to open up wasteland. Although the ghost frog also appeared in "dawn", it is only a baby horse of years old. It is hoped that there will be adult individuals who can hunt in the future. The second is the subspecies and rare species of the fire dragon family, such as cherry fire dragon, silver fire dragon, gold fire dragon and so on. The fire dragon family is a classic monster in the whole game series, and all kinds of mutant monsters are also worth challenging. In fact, the above fire dragons are in 3G and 4

标签: 怪物猎人