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【点评活动】你觉得《怪物猎人 崛起 曙光》怎么样?

[comment activity] what do you think of "the dawn of the rise of monster hunters"?

2022-07-04 14:09:14来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 崛起》最新扩展包「曙光」已经在上个月末正式发售了。或许玩得快的朋友已经趁上周周末狩猎解禁了,正在和傀异化的怪物奋战呢。大伙都玩到哪儿了呢?这次「曙光」新加入了快速切换的系统,14 把武器均有了新的技能,让猎人无论在花样还是实力上均更上了一层楼。盟友任务让猎人们能够和 NPC 共同狩猎了,各位对村伙伴的实力怎么看呢?当然还有「曙光」中的新老怪物们,新的怪物如冰狼龙、爵银龙等,旧的面孔如天廻龙、黑蚀龙等,你觉得设计得怎么样呢,在面对它们时有什么全新的体验吗?不妨来分享一下你对《怪物猎人 崛起》或《怪物猎人 崛起 曙光》吧~*如果 APP 端无法从文中的链接跳转到资料卡,可以通过文章底部的相关游戏跳转到游戏资料卡处。即日起至 7 月 10 日,所有点评过《怪物猎人 崛起》或《怪物猎人 崛起 曙光》的用户,

The latest expansion package "dawn" of "monster hunter rises" was officially released at the end of last month. Maybe friends who play fast have taken advantage of the lifting of the hunting ban last weekend and are fighting against puppet dissimilated monsters. Where did everyone play? This time, "dawn" has newly added a fast switching system, and 14 weapons have new skills, which makes the hunter a higher level in both pattern and strength. Allied missions enable hunters to hunt together with NPC. What do you think of the strength of village partners? Of course, there are new and old monsters in "dawn", new monsters such as ice wolf dragon, Jueyin dragon, and old faces such as Tianjia dragon and black eclipse dragon. What do you think of the design and what new experience do you have when facing them? Let's share your thoughts on the rise of monster hunter or the dawn of the rise of monster hunter ~ * if the app can't jump from the link in the article to the data card, you can jump to the game data card through the relevant games at the bottom of the article. From now on to July 10, all users who have commented on the rise of monster hunter or the dawn of the rise of monster hunter,

标签: 怪物猎人