新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年绵阳市清明公祭活动在南山烈士陵园举行


2015 Mianyang City tomb memorial activities in Nanshan martyrs cemetery held

2015-04-06 07:09:12来源: 大河网

本报讯 (记者 祖明远)4月3日上午,2015年绵阳市清明公祭活动在南山烈士陵园举行。近千名机关干部、驻绵部队官兵、学校师生和社会各界群众来到现场,向革命先烈表达敬意和深切怀念。 公祭活动结束后...

report from our correspondent (reporter Zu Mingyuan) on 3 April morning, 2015 Mianyang City tomb memorial activities in Nanshan martyrs cemetery was held. Nearly a thousand cadres, in cotton army officers and soldiers, school teachers, students and social people from all walks of life came to the scene, to the revolutionary martyrs to pay tribute and deeply cherish the memory of. After the memorial activities...