新关注 > 信息聚合 > 独墅湖隧道一侧车道出现鼓包 官方回应:堵漏所致

独墅湖隧道一侧车道出现鼓包 官方回应:堵漏所致

Dushu lake tunnel on lanes bulge official response: plugging caused by

2016-04-06 13:25:05来源: 新华报业网

官方回应:堵漏所致,尽快处理 中国江苏网4月6日讯 前前天,有车友向本报记者反映,独墅湖隧道顶部有些微漏水;前天,又有市民反映称,独墅湖一侧车道上出现了鼓包,开车路过就像坐了“过山车”。4月4日下午3点多,记者来到独墅湖隧道实地采访,证实由西向东方向最右侧车道的一处确有鼓包路面。独墅...

Official response: plugging caused by, as soon as possible China jiangsu network - April 6, before the day before yesterday, if you have a to our reporter, dushu lake tunnel roof had slight leakage; Some citizens reflect the day before yesterday, and said, dushu lake on one side of the lane in the bulge, drove past is like a "roller coaster". On April 4th at 3 PM, the reporter comes to dushu lake tunnel on-the-spot interview, confirmed from west to east direction of the lane on the right side of a really beat the road. Dushu...