新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州体育中考游泳项目昨天率先开考 得0分的同学..

杭州体育中考游泳项目昨天率先开考 得0分的同学..

Physical examination of hangzhou swimming events were held yesterday was the first to normal students with a score of 0..

2016-03-13 10:22:52来源: 浙江在线

没拿满分不要紧4月还有第二次考试机会 昨天开始到下周日(20日),是今年中考首次体育考试时间。其中昨天和今天,是游泳考试时间。 昨天下午3点,大关小区东四苑的大关游泳馆门口,挤满了家长和老师...

Didn't get out of it doesn't matter in April and the second test Yesterday to the next Sunday (20), is time tests the physical examination for the first time this year. Yesterday and today, is swimming test time. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o 'clock, mark mark for the swimming pool at the door, grabbing the court the community full of parents and teachers...