新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口中小学招生:房产证暂时办不下来也可申请学位


Haikou primary and secondary school enrollment: real estate license temporarily do not down can also apply for degree

2015-05-19 23:40:57来源: 南海网

南海网海口5月19日消息(南海网记者 符玲)5月19日,海口市民彭先生向南海网记者反映,称其房子是刚买的二手房,房产证要到6月份才能办下来,是否影响孩子申请学位? 对此,海口市教育局表示,如果父...

South China Sea Haikou, May 19 news (Nanhai network reporter Fu Ling) May 19, Mr. Peng, the citizens of Haikou Nanhai network reporter to reflect, said the house is just bought a second-hand housing, real estate license to to June to run down, whether the impact of their children to apply for degree? In this regard, Haikou City Bureau of Education said if the parent...